

Humans are not the only ones in the world - people are surrounded by precious animal species and wonderful nature. With proliferation of technology, it seems that we are taking for granted entity of nature and the animal word. Moreover, we tend to separate from them by virtue of civilization. One should always remember that there is balance in the universe and that everything is interwoven in our world. Besides, the environment is often depicted in literature, proving that nature has always been of high importance. Consequently, a new method of studying literature has emerged – ecocriticism – that spreads awareness of nature. Our participation in the Leaf to Leaf project induced us to analyze literature from the ecocritical point of view, to enhance our creative skills and to apply multidisciplinarity within the project. Firstly, by implementing the ecocritical perspective, we analyzed several literary texts which encapsulated nature and the animal world. We tried to

Simple tips to live a bit greener

In this blog entry, we’d like to say a few words about living sustainably. Sustainable living means that one attempts to reduce their use of Earth’s natural resources. Because frankly, our planet is worn out from our constant consumption. We should all be mindful of our carbon footprint but more importantly, we should respect our planet and its other residents. Why? Because everything we use either ends up in toxic landfills or find its way to the ocean endangering not only marine life but our health as well. Living sustainably doesn’t mean saying no to everything we treasure, but it does mean that we are being aware of the resource consumption and committed to reducing unnecessary waste. That is why we’ve decided to create a little guide to live greener. Reduce household energy use.   ·    One of the easiest ways to conserve energy is to simply turn off lights and appliances when you’re not using them. ·     Use LED lighting or CFL bulbs as they last lon