
Showing posts from September, 2018

Introductory Post

Image by Anastasia Gretšiškina We, Anastasia Gretšiškina, Svetlana Hatšaturjan, Laura Vahtramäe, Hülja Varjula, Maksim Kamrõš, Anna Zubkova  (English Philology and Culture, BA), Jana Vinkel (English Language and Culture, BA), Olga Skaistkalne (Slavonic Languages and Cultures, MA), Mariam Meparishvili (Literature, Visual Culture and Film studies, MA), Grettel Sokolov and Raimo Kerme (Liberal Arts in Humanities, BA),  welcome you to our blog Green Literature: Leaf to Leaf. Here, we will be discussing various literary texts from the ecocritical point of view. We will be analyzing how nature is portrayed in literature and how it is connected with the real world and environmental problems. This blog will be written for the LIFE course in Tallinn University. LIFE stands for Learning in Interdisciplinary Focused Environment. Next, we are going to mention some of the topics of our future posts. We will analyse Estonian national epic poem Kalevipoeg, Somerset Maugham’s The M