Secret Whistle in the Forest

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Recently, our team visited Kogo Gallery in Tartu. The gallery held a duo exhibition “Secret whistle in the forest by two artists, Kristi Kongi and Mari-Leen Kiipli.
The exhibition was inspired by light and shadow and it revolved around the idea of blurring the boundaries between life forms. As a result, we first enter an installation by Kristi Kongi where the different shades of textile create a maze of light that takes us to different places like Mexican Jungle or South-Estonian forests. The light blurs the line between humans and plants and we wonder and get lost in the geometric shapes of light we ourselves transform into plants.
                                                                            Photos and video by Mariam Meparishvili
As the maze ends, our eyes are directed to a video by Mari-Leen Kiipli where she explores different forms of life as well as human, in this case her own presence in specific environments.
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The exhibition is part of the architectural lighting design and light art festival Tartu Valgus | Tartu in Light satellite program.
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As we continue sharing our ecocritical analyses of various types of literature, we decided to venture into other mediums of art to further observe how the conversation around human relationship with nature is progressing. Thus, we'll be sharing impressions from a few exhibitions as well as movie screenings that we have attended in Tallinn and Tartu. 

                                                                                                                              Mariam Meparishvili


  1. Looks interesting! I'll definitely check it out :))


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